No Matter Where You May Be In Your Journey,

You Are Worth Every Step You Take.

  • Would you like to increase the ability for intimacy and connection in close relationships while decreasing emotional disturbance and resistance you may encounter as you increase your ability to be open and express yourself with more transparency and vulnerability?
  • Would you like to increase the ability to stay true to your Authentic Self whether you face success or failure?
  • Would you like to increase emotional resiliency and agility to become less reactionary, more emotionally responsive?
  • Do you need help in identifying triggers, emotional disturbance, resistance, obstacles, and distractions that impede your Authentic Self in love, relationships, work, and play?
  • Would you like to increase the ability to stay focused on what truly matters to you as a person and decrease the tendency when faced with resistance and emotional disturbance to pursue meaningless activities, addictions, and dead-end relationships?
  • Would you like to enhance the balance of a wide range of emotions that allow your Authentic Self the capacity to regulate them thus decreasing resistance and emotional disturbance you may face in your pursuits in life?
  • Would you like to enhance and increase the mastery of key positive and adaptive abilities, skills, and outlook that have helped you get to where you are today?
  • Would you like to decrease and/or eliminate negative thoughts/cognitions that affect your overall positive sense of your Authentic Self and the abilities, skills, and outlook by which you relate?
  • Would you like to identify and replace unhealthy coping mechanisms with healthy and sustainable ones to increase soothing and accessing feelings, both painful and positive?
  • Would you like to increase resilience in the ability to make and stick with commitments and goals in the face of obstacles, resistance, and emotional disturbance?
  • Would you like to increase the capacity of creativity allowing you the ability to replace old patterns of living and problem-solving with new or equally more successful ones?

If you would like to explore these questions further or if you have any other questions for David or about his psychotherapy services, please contact him below.

You Can Call David @ (916) 934-9970


Email David Below:

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